Now a days honey is very necessary for people because honey helps people in different fields. Honey also used in different types of medicine. Honey also used as a medicine against cough. In market different types of honey are available. Today I describe a very good honey brand. The name of the honey is Saffola Pure Honey,1.5kg (Super Saver Pack). Saffola is a very trusted brand. This brand provides taste of purity in every drop of saffola honey. Saffola honey is tested using the most advanced NMR test is one of best in class German laboratories to ensure that it is pure. This honey is free from any form of adulteration and with no added sugar. Saffola is checked sixety plus quality checks and pass through multiple filtration stages to remove impurities. Saffola honey is originated from India. If you think to buy a honey they you must go with this product.